
Leon Millot!

GOOD EVENING! I hope everyone is having an enjoyable Sunday! The Bears won...YES! Fiance was out of town this weekend so i spent the afternoon spending some quality time with him! For dinner I had some more mini asparagus with tilapia. Tilapia is one of my favorite kinds of fish...it has a mild, yet still fishy flavor. If that makes sense!?! 
I cooked the tilapia in a pan with a little bit of olive oil and salt and pepper. It fell apart when I was taking it out of the pan with tongs! I also had a side salad with a tiny bit of reduced fat cheese and sun dried tomato vinaigrette dressing. 

Along with dinner I had a glass of Leon Millot red wine. It is only available at the French Lick winery in French Lick, IN. It is by far my FAVORITE red wine! It is comparable to Chianti, but just so amazing!!!
For dessert I had a 1/2 of a whole wheat english muffin with pecan pumpkin butter on it! This stuff is SO good. It is normally kind of pricey, but I got this jar last year for 75% off when I was working at Williams Sonoma! 

Now I am just relaxing and watching the American Music awards. Enjoy your evening!!!

chili for a chilly day!

Hi guys!! Sorry for my posting delay! Last night my camera battery died and I couldn't find my recharger anywhere! (turned out i had left it at fiance's apt.) So I couldn't take any pictures of my eats last night or of breakfast...SORRY! 

This morning I had my regular oatmeal with a cup of coffee. I just lounged around this morning and ate a snack of "crispy pears". I bought these at the Fresh Market yesterday. This package was 1 serving and had about 30 calories. The package says that the pear pieces go through a freeze drying process to remove the water. The only ingredient listed was Asian pears. I thought that they were really good. Very crispy and flavorful! I also bought a package of pineapples that I will try sometime soon :)

For lunch I decided to make chili! It is one of my favorite cold weather eats :)

My chili included: 
1 1/2 - 2 lbs. of ground beef (I would have preferred to use less meat and use ground turkey, but fiance had ground beef that needed to be used up....at least it was lean!)
1 onion
1/2 large green pepper
2 14 oz. cans of diced tomatoes
I can corn
1 can red beans with chili seasoning
1 can of tri-blend beans
chili powder to taste

I couldn't decide what other kind of beans to include with the chili and then I saw this can of mixed beans including black, red kidney and pinto!
Here is the finished product! It was a little meat heavy, but I really liked having the variety of beans!

I topped mine with some reduced fat cheddar cheese and had 1/2 of a whole wheat english muffin on the side!
Now we have tons of leftovers which we can store in the freezer for another lazy cold Sunday! I am currently watching the Bears game and they are KICKING the Ram's butt! WOO WOO! Enjoy your Sunday afternoon :)