I was able to spend my mornings drinking tea on our new balcony:
Saturday was my birthday! Fiance and I had a few friends over to celebrate. One of my girlfriends made this super impressive cake for me (it even had strawberry filling!!!) Her brother owns a dessert store so he gave her the recipe and decorating tips. I thought it was very impressive!!!
Last night I obvi. had to stay up late watching The Hills finale (the bitch is back!! omg so much drama!) and the Mtv movie awards (I wasn't very impressed). I have been a true hills fan since it started. I always watched Laguna Beach (ok, this is embarrassing to admit, but I actually own the first season of Laguna on DVD...HA!) which just kind of transferred to the Hills. I debated not watching this next season now that Lauren won't be on it anymore and it is slightly ridiculous, but I just can't help it. I know I will be glued to the TV every monday for 30 minutes of completely scripted 'reality' tv. Such a guilty pleasure of mine! :)
Well I hope everyone else is making it through this Monday with more energy than me!
Gorgeous views AND cake!! That's amazing that it's homemade! I can't write on baked goods for the life of me!
Glad you're back :)
LOVE the view from your new place-- glad you love it too!!
cake looks delish-- and THE HILLS AHHH!! love it xoxoxo
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