We are having disgusting weather here! It had been 'wintry mixing' on and off for most of yesterday and today. ICK! Last night when I left work I had to spend like 10 mins. d-icing my car. It wasn't that normal ice or slush either...it was the kind where you literally have to chisel away little bits at a time!! Scraping does almost nothing. It was actually quite a workout.....I can really feel it in may arms today!!!
On to the eats:
Yesterday when I got to work I had a little chocolate from a package a co-worker brought it. It was dark choc. with milk choc. inside.

My lunch was a roasted veggie pasta. I made it using these noodles I picked up at Trader Joe's! It was only $0.99 for this package. They were very hearty and I really enjoyed the taste.

My pasta had roasted asparagus and carrots, chopped and mixed with a tiny bit of marinara sauce and parm. cheese.

I also had an apple.

After I ate I had another glass of cran. pom. green tea sweetened with honey.

At around 6:30 I ate a blueberry z-bar for a snack.

After cataloging TONS of books ( it is slightly like manual labor shifting all of the giant art and reference books around!) I fought with the layer of ice on my car and then went home and ATE! I made another sammy on a cheese roll. This time I roasted 1/2 of a sliced zucchini and added it on the roll with turkey lunchmeat some cheese, mustard and greens. I also had some cheesy chips on the side.
This morning I had to wake up early for a dr.'s appt. I ate a banana

and some TJ's pumpkin spice granola on my way there.

After the dr. I ran some more errands and then made a bagel egg sammy since I had a TINY b-fast earlier. I cooked 1 egg over easy and melted some mozz. cheese on it before putting it on a toasted whole wheat bagel. I also had a sliced apple on the side.

Ok. I think I have decided that I need to do more posts a day or else they end up being SUPER long!!
Well I have to get back to work and maybe eat some chocolate. I am having MAJOR cravings (what can I say it's just that special time o' the month!) HAPPY HUMPDAY!!