Morning! So sorry about my blogging absence!! Christmas was CRAZY busy and I just wasn't able to get as many pics and do as many posts as I had hoped! Things are finally getting back to a normal schedule so my posts should be much more regular :) Fiance and I ended up coming home pretty late on Saturday night so we could sleep in some on Sunday and get to the grocery store, unpack and organize things before the week started.
Sunday morning I woke up and had a quick snack of a whole wheat waffle with some pb then headed to the grocery store since I had like NO food!! When I got home I snacked on this almond crunch bar.

After my snack fiance and I went off to a bar to watch the Bears game. I had a little bit more then 1 bud light and we split a veggie quesadilla. The Bears sadly lost and now their season is over! :(
After the game Fiance and I went and bought a Christmas Tree!!! We had wanted to buy one that we could use next year when everything was on sale! We got our tree for like 50% was only $65! WOO WOO! When we got home I whipped up some spaghetti and meatballs for dinner. We also had some canned green beans on the side.

After dinner we did some major unpacking, cleaning/organizing and I put away the decorations. Before bed I had a few pretzel crisps from harry and david as a snack. I got these while outlet shopping on Sat!

This morning I was struggling to get up and ready. Christmas didn't really feel like a vacation since it was so busy!! I made an egg sammy for b-fast. It was a whole wheat muffin, turkey sausage, egg whites and some cheese. I had a chopped banana on the side.

And a warm cup of coffee!!

I have the feeling that this week is going to seem forever long!! I only have thursday off while fiance has weds, thurs and fri off of work!!!! NO FAIR!
I hope everyone has a good monday! :)