Hi there! Today was another long day at the ILF conference. I had some time to kill before the first session so I got a nonfat peppermint mocha twist coffee with a lowfat cranberry orange muffin. It was all SO good!!

For lunch I went to the food court at the main mall downtown. With not a ton of healthy food choices there I decided to get something from frullati cafe. I got a pecan chicken salad sandwich on wheat bread. It had lettuce, tomatoes and red onion on it. It came with chips and a tiny cookie. I ate almost all of the sandwich and about 1/2 of the chips. It was alright, but I'm not sure I would get it again.

These were the snacks I packed for today! I only ended up eating the nectar bar...it was my first one ever! I have to say it was pretty good, but I think I would like the cacao nectar bars better. (The banana got smashed in my bag!!)

For dinner Fiance and I made whole wheat spaghetti with a HUGE side of broccoli. I attempted to portion out the spaghetti, but I was STARVING so I think I went a little overboard. OOPS!!! I also had a glass of red wine and will probably have something small for desert later tonight!