Hi bloggies! How are you?! Last night while running errands I realized I was like across the street from Trader Joe's! I of course had to stop in. I barely had any time, but still managed to find a few goodies! I came home took pictures of everything, put stuff away started making food and then realized NOOOOOOOOOOO I didn't have my memory card in my camera!! Whenever I take it out and put it into my card reader to upload pics I am bad at remembering to put it back in! So I will just have to take pics as I start eating my finds over the next few days.
One thing I bought was their frozen spinach and artichoke dip. I zapped this in the microwave and fiance and I ate some on multi-grain tortilla chip while drinking some white wine and watching my fav. show THE OFFICE! The dip was actually pretty good and super easy to make. All I had to do was zap it in the micro. for about 4 mins. My kind of cooking!
After awhile I made some dinner which was CRAB CAKES! I have tried to make some from scratch, but they never ever turn out. I saw some in the frozen section of TJ's and decided we should eat them tonight!
I just ate 1 crab cake with a side salad.

These cakes were actually really good! Full of flavor and quick and simple to cook! After dinner we relaxed and watched Step -Brothers. This move is HILARIOUS! I was seriously laughing almost the entire time.
I had to go into work this morning since I had yesterday off. I wanted a big bowl of oatmeal to get me going! The stars were these two babes I picked up at Trader Joe's yesterday!

My oatmeal had 1 cut up banana in it, 1 handful of the pumpkin spice granola and a few pecans. OH YUM!

This granola is amazing! I had seen it around in other blogger's meals and knew I just had to get some.

Now I am eating this pear and to last me through my remaining hr. at work!
This afternoon I am planning on doing a little bit of yoga and relaxing now that I am officially done with my classes for this semester!!!! Tonight we are off to fiance's holiday work party. Happy Saturday!!!