Good evening! Today was a LONG day! I was hoping to get out of class a tad early since it was our last day, but no such luck! AT least I am done with it :) Tomorrow I have to finish up some online posts and my final paper for my online class then I just have 1 more paper due next thursday and I am officially done until January!
This morning at work I had a kashi bar for a snack:
During my break at class I went to eat the z-bar I thought I had brought with me and TRAGEDY it wasn't there! AHHHHH! I was starving and had to get something to eat so I headed to the vending machines. This was the healthiest thing I could find in there. I am normally not a fan of Nutri-grain bars, but this wasn't bad. The ingredients list was full of icky things...HFCS! ick.
For dinner I had a piece of pork which fiance cooked up in a pan with some seasonings. On the side I had some green beans cooked in a bit of butter with some salt and pepper on them and a piece of multi grain toast. YUM!

Oh and I just had a large spoonful of peanut butter for dessert :) Now I am relaxing with a glass of wine!
Did you check out my blog additions!?! I am now a Foodbuzz featured publisher!!!! :) :) :)