Hi bloggies! I hope you all had a fabulous new year! My party went extremely well! We ended up having a bunch of people come...our tiny little house was packed! (my roommate and I rent a house) After work on wednesday I went home to prepare my veggie tray for the party! I knew there would be a good amount of not so healthy choices at the party so I wanted some veggies available to snack on! I had a good amount while prepping. The tray had: mini carrots, celery, broccoli and green pepper. I also set out some lite ranch to use for dipping.
Here is the whole spread!

Roasted asparagus, brownies, veggie pizza, veggie tray, hummus with pitas, bruschetta, cheese tray, crackers and pretzels. The yellow dish in the back eventually had mini ham and cheese sammys on it!
Swedish meatballs and reuben dip with some rye bread.
My roommate and I then cleaned up the chaos that was out house! There were bottles, cups and plates all over. Our kitchen floor was SO sticky from having drinks split all over it. After cleaning for a bit I realized I needed some more food. I made a mini bagel with light cream cheese and had a small orange on the side.
I also had a glass of cranberry juice.
I actually spent most of the morning/early afternoon laying in my bed watching DVRd episodes of The real housewives of orange county. I think that show is so entertaining! I really just love most all reality TV! I eventually whipped up some lunch consisting of couscous with some roasted broccoli and shredded cheddar cheese.
I finally got my lazy butt moving after my reality TV mini-marathon and headed to my fiances! He had a group of his fraternity brothers from college over to watch the rose bowl. When I got there they had ordered some pizzas and I had 2 small slices (1 pepperoni and 1 sausage) It was fun to relax and enjoy my paid vacation day! To bad I have to go back to work tomorrow :( at least it is a little bit of a short day.

Roasted asparagus, brownies, veggie pizza, veggie tray, hummus with pitas, bruschetta, cheese tray, crackers and pretzels. The yellow dish in the back eventually had mini ham and cheese sammys on it!
I ended up snacking on a bunch of everything throughout the night! I tried to focus on the veggies, but had a few meatballs and some cheese. I started the night with some vodka and pink lemonade and mainly sipped on champagne for the remainder of the night. We didn't end up going to bed until after 2am and I was EXHAUSTED! !
This morning I slept in a bit and immediately made some pumpkin coffee to get me going. I also had a slice of a giant apple-cinnamon muffin.
I just got a little hungry a bit ago so I made an open faced egg sammy with 1 piece bread, 2 pieces ham lunch meat, 1 egg and 1 piece of cheese. I also had a glass of milk on the side.

Today I started thinking about my goals for the new year. I don't normally make 'resolutions' since I feel I always break them right away! So here are my main goals for 2009:
- Finish graduate school (Attempt to get A's in my remaining classes!)
- Get married and have a fabulous wedding and honeymoon :)
- Focus on better time management (i.e. stop procrastinating doing my homework!)
- Build my savings monthly by transferring funds immediately from a paycheck
- Cut down my diet coke intake!!
- Try at least 2 new recipes a month
- run a 5K
This last one is probably the biggest deal for me. I pretty much NEVER run for exercise. I have really bad knock-knees:
When I was younger (about 6th grade...when we first had to run a full mile in gym class) my dr. told me that running long distances would probably cause me pain since they tend to actually 'knock' together. He said I could do several special stretches and exercises to help with it, but at the time I didn't really care. Because of this I never really got into running. I feel like if I focused on training I could probably complete a 5K with minimal pain since the distance isn't too long. This would be a BIG deal for me since I always say I hate running, primarily due to the fact that I never do it!! However, I have pretty much always wanted to run a race and I figure now is as good a time as any to at least try it! If the pain is too much I simply won't do it, but if I don't try I will never know what I'm capable of. I'm not quite sure when I will run one, but I will keep you all posted!
I hope everyone else enjoyed their start of 2009! Have a wonderful night :)
Great goals for the 09 year! I totally want to run a 5k too!
And great eats! I love reality TV as well!
ohhh that apple cinnamon muffin is making me drool!
& i love that youre from indiana! my sister and most of my mom's fam are in Fort Wayne; yay for the midwest!
That lunch is FAB!! I love it - and the Real Housewives of OC is a guilty pleasure of mine ;)
Great list for '09! Wishing you ALL the best!
Just found your blog today - looking forward to checking it out.
Haven't had swedish meatballs forever! They look great!
yummy eats! glad the party went well :) i love the housewives show too!! (guilty pleasure!!) i'm with you on the diet coke thing! xoxoo
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