Takin' it back to Saturday at lunchtime....
My lunch incorporated these 2 trader joe's purchases!
As we were flying out the door to fiance's work party I forgot my camera!! :( The party was a pretty good time! There was TONS of good food. One of fiance's coworkers is from china and had made homemade eggrolls. These were honestly some of the best things I have EVER had. I ate 2! I also had a bit of turkey, some corn and green beans a tiny bit of mashed potatoes and 2 cookies for dessert.
Since we didn't get home until about 1am from the party I slept in on Sunday. When I woke up I whipped up some buckwheat pecan pancakes! I used this Hodgson Mill pancake mix and added some cinnamon and chopped pecans.
I covered them in lite syrup and had a sliced banana on the side.
After breakfast fiance and I went to the gym where I did the stair master, biked and lifted some weights. After the gym we did some Christmas shopping and ended up eating chinese at the mall food court. I have been CRAVING chinese so this really hit the spot for me :) I had fried rice with mixed veggies and bourbon chicken. I ate all of the veggies and most of the rice and chicken.
After running all over to get stuff I have ALMOST finished my shopping. I just have to buy 2 more things, wrap stuff up and will then officially be done! After errands I read/napped on the couch and then decided it was time for dinner! Since we ate such a heavy lunch I wanted something light for dinner. We picked up these cheese rolls at the bakery and decided to make sammy's! Mine had turkey breast, cheese, mustard, a sliced pickle and some greens. I had a mini fruit salad and a few cheesy chips on the side.
This bread was AWESOME! These rolls each only have about 150 cals. and 3g. of fat which isn't too bad for such yummy tasting bread.
Dessert was 1/2 of a whole wheat bagel w/ some nutella!
Breakfast this morning were pretty much the same oats as Sat. (sorry no pic!)
Breakfast this morning were pretty much the same oats as Sat. (sorry no pic!)
WHEW! That was quite a post...I hope you all stayed with me! I hope everyone has a good Monday....It is pretty dreary here and looks like it might rain at any moment!! (ICK)
Oh my - that pancake shot!! Looks delish!
Those bakery rolls are right up my alley!
Have a great Monday :)
Mmmm cheesy chips!
I can't say I've tried a tuna melt before, and I'm a tuna lover. Gotta google that to find what that is, as silly as that sounds!
Your eats look delicious! That cheese bread looks amazing!
I think that TJ's PB is too salty too! I got the unsalted kind and it needs a bit of salt. Too bad they don't have any in between!
I love your pancakes! YUM, great breakfast :) Especially with the pecan addition.
LOVIN' the greek yogurt + pb mixture. thats my signature snack! hope you enjoyed :)
have a nice monday evening <3
I love that TJ yogurt. I just recently found out about it and now I'm addicted. Good choice, good choice.
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