Hi there! Today was once again super duper long. This morning I ate a bowl of crispix (was running late so no photo :( ) Today at work we were having an ALL DAY meeting. I work for a small career college that has locations throughout the state. Today we were having a system wide librarians meet so we have TONS to discuss. When I got there our director had ordered a fruit tray! (SCORE!) I filled my plate up and went back for seconds later on in the morning.

For lunch we went to this nice Italian restaurant downtown (Milano's). I ordered the scallops since I had really been craving them and rarely buy them to cook at home myself. It came with a salad (I ordered a vinaigrette dressing)

When my main dish came I was bummed because I didn't realize they were fried!!!! I meant to not eat all of the breading, but it was SO good I couldn't resist. I only ate like two bites of the pasta...the sauce was so thick and kinda sick.

After work I went to the gym! I biked 14 miles and then lifted some weights and did ab work.
For dinner I made a chicken burrito!
I took some leftover chicken and mixed it with fajita seasoning, corn and black beans. Along with my burrito I had a side salad with some ranch. This was REALLY good, but I will defiantly be hungry for a snack later!

The burrito had some of the chicken mixture, a tiny bit of mozz cheese and lettuce. YUM!

Tonight I am just RELAXING since this has been a busy week full of meetings. Have a good one :)
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