Hi guys!! Sorry for my posting delay! Last night my camera battery died and I couldn't find my recharger anywhere! (turned out i had left it at fiance's apt.) So I couldn't take any pictures of my eats last night or of breakfast...SORRY!
This morning I had my regular oatmeal with a cup of coffee. I just lounged around this morning and ate a snack of "crispy pears". I bought these at the Fresh Market yesterday. This package was 1 serving and had about 30 calories. The package says that the pear pieces go through a freeze drying process to remove the water. The only ingredient listed was Asian pears. I thought that they were really good. Very crispy and flavorful! I also bought a package of pineapples that I will try sometime soon :)
My chili included:
1 1/2 - 2 lbs. of ground beef (I would have preferred to use less meat and use ground turkey, but fiance had ground beef that needed to be used up....at least it was lean!)
1 onion
1/2 large green pepper
2 14 oz. cans of diced tomatoes
I can corn
1 can red beans with chili seasoning
1 can of tri-blend beans
chili powder to taste
I couldn't decide what other kind of beans to include with the chili and then I saw this can of mixed beans including black, red kidney and pinto!
Here is the finished product! It was a little meat heavy, but I really liked having the variety of beans!

Now we have tons of leftovers which we can store in the freezer for another lazy cold Sunday! I am currently watching the Bears game and they are KICKING the Ram's butt! WOO WOO! Enjoy your Sunday afternoon :)
I topped mine with some reduced fat cheddar cheese and had 1/2 of a whole wheat english muffin on the side!
1 comment:
hey jill! thanks for commenting/visiting my blog. yours is so cute and i look forward to reading more!
have a nice evening :)
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