
'Blog for your health!'

Mid morning I had a snack of a GIANT apple. A coworker even commented on its massive size. However, I forgot to put my memory card back in my camera so no picture!

I had a simple and light lunch consisting of a ham and cheese sammy on wheat with some green pepper slices and a blueberry yogurt.

In my Self magazine 'monthly news and tips' e-mail they had a section on the benefits of blogging! They said:
"Keeping a Web diary—even one that's for your eyes only—is good for you! Writing about your feelings can help you relax and get a good night's sleep. Expressive blogging may also encourage growth of white blood cells, which fight off infection, and lower blood pressure and heart rate."

I can already see improvements in myself since I have started blogging. I am more focused on the health goals I want to achieve and have learned great nutrition tips from other bloggers!!

Well I hope everyone has a good afternoon and blogs away to improve their health! :)


Alyssa said...

I love finding other bloggers who are planning their weddings at the same time! It's nice to have people to bounce ideas off of!

Anonymous said...

Yah for blogging! =)

Anonymous said...

Hi, I just found your blog! I love Self magazine. I think blogging my food has helped me with my health goals as well. Have a great day!